While on my social media hiatus, I have found the time and energy to do something again that I once loved to do, decorate. It's been years since I have. I love the colors that make up Fall decor. Living in San Antonio, there is not really much of a Fall season, so it's a bit strange decorating for cooler weather when it is still 90 degrees.
Most of the items were purchased at Big Lots. The plants at Walmart and Lowes. The boxes I wrapped myself with craft paper and inexpensive ribbon. Once Halloween gets closer I plan on adding some Halloween appropriate items. I hate to rush the holidays!
I even had the time to make my own candles from left over wax. I give candle makers a lot of credit. Candle making is a lot more than just throwing some wicks and wax in a jar and calling it a day.
However, decorating is not the only thing I have been doing. I have finally been able to catch up on some home improvement projects and I have continued to create. I made several resin letters to give as gifts for my son and grandson. These function as night lights as well. I purchased the fairy lights at Amazon for a great price.
Lastly, I made a few items for what I call my "ER Collection." Just a little bit of ER/hospital humor. Any of these can be purchased in my shop.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! it is much appreciated. Remember you can always contact me on my site at www.melissaatorresart.com/contact, or email me at MATArt75@gmail.com.